Archives for the month of: October, 2013

Sinead’s is presenting: A tachyonic antitelephone

Hack Circus: Time Travel Live

Final Bullet

Sunday, October 6, 2013 London, United Kingdom

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“Nuit Blanche: Night time gathering. On the evening of October the 5th where we will be transforming Moxie Studios into a multi-sensory playground.

From 11pm until the early pre-dawn hours we are encouraging those adventurous souls to join us for a most curious evening of night time exploration, contemporary art, music, design, fashion, live art, live performance, food and frolics.”

Quad (2013)
single channel video projection
by Nora Duggan
An Danlann, Art Gallery
Quadrangle building
NUI Galway

Exhibition runs Friday, 18 Oct – Saturday, 26 October 2013, 12 – 4pm

Reception: Friday, 18 October,1pm.  All welcome.

Time, said Austerlitz in the observation room in Greenwich, was by far the most artificial of all our inventions and in being bound to the planet turning on its own axis was no less arbitrary than would be, say, a calculation based on the growth of trees or the duration required for a piece of limestone to disintegrate,…
(WB Sebald, Austerlitz 2001)

The temporal relations between stillness and movement constantly drive Nora Duggan’s art practice.  Taking the original Quadrangle building of NUI Galway as her subject, Nora compiled a series of digital photographs and videos over the past year, recording the movement of light, shade, colour and texture around the building and its surrounds.  These images are then reconfigured, manipulated, cut and collaged together in order to investigate the elusive nature of time.

As she reaches the mid-point of her PhD at the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway, Nora looks to Quad for evidence of how her research has progressed to date, but also to inform her future direction.  The work raises questions in relation to how our experience of time can be informed/influenced/reflected through combined stillness and movement in digital imagery.  Here, linear and chronological time are abandoned, and replaced by the possibilities suggested when time is understood as a multitude of simultaneous temporal relations that expand and contract, existing not merely as past, present and future but as future pasts, present futures, and so on…

This exhibition coincides with the Practice-based Research Symposium titled
The Intelligence of Art: Art Practice as Research
at the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway, 24 – 26 October 2013


Tell it slant is a group exhibition centred round the theme of language. The exhibited work has been produced by ten emerging artists and curators, who are all either current or past gallery interns at PP/S, Dublin.




